Information and biomechanical support

Our sports agency offers you a unique system of training - ARTMOBIL.

ARTMOBIL - a new type of training, based on culture and art movements, new propulsion technologies, active recovery operation and development of special qualities of motor sports. ARTMOBIL based on the information type of person, form a coordinating capacity and muscle effort (and their rational use) rights, and its motor and individual motor stereotype. The effect of training is achieved by the inclusion of respiratory and joint exercises, an integral plastics, polyrhythm and elements of dance steps, vestibular, leaf-and rotary inertia-gravity gymnastics, as well as special training on simulators, enabling influence on the way to the formation of muscles. In addition, this program includes developing training for the special and specific coordination, the so-called brain gym, as well as hard-focal motor programs for polyrhythm with the inclusion of development of all degrees of freedom in the movements of athletes. Integral ARTMOBIL biomechanics in sport includes the development and increasing agility, strength and flexibility of the foot, the rehabilitation of the foot after injuries by special exercises and biomechanical stimulation, leaf-and rotary inertia-gravity exercises for mobility and plasticity of the body and the spine, increase mobility, flexibility and strength in the shoulder joint, increasing the power brush with a special simulator.

Proposed methodology ARTMOBIL as an integral training, contributing to the capitalization of Rights. It can be successfully used in the preparation of sports reserve and high-class athletes, special forces, for the rehabilitation and in Invasport. Motor program and the technology underlying it, based on the unique capacity of man as a complex system with extensive coordination and transformational (transformative) capabilities in the development of special physical qualities.

Information biomechanics and network coordination model of personal propulsion technology with a matrix structure that allows one to develop 16 basic types of coordination Rights (with predicted errors in advance and therefore adjustable and corrected in a certain period, both in age and in pedagogical). The systems approach considers the human resource structure, consisting of 7 levels:


2-regulation (restriction of mobility of the basic movements);

3-orientation (for the specific sport);

4-information (to obtain the maximum number of necessary movements);

5-transformation (conversion of e technology movements in individually-rational and power-consuming);

6-coordination (the optimum ratio of internal and intramuscular);


Arranged in such a way over the levels of the system allows to build a model of training under this scheme (over 3000 motions), and any training process in general. In addition, before starting work on the system ARTMOBIL determined information type of person, ie his way of processing and exchange of information on the 4 basic positions (logic, intuition, sensing, and emotions). Profiled type allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the positions that are correlated to the type of muscular efforts, coordination abilities, types of movements, a person's appearance and 16 other traits, which are in the basic scheme of its location on the functions (program, creative, role-playing, the mobilized, suggestive, activation in control, the demo).

On the practical side, this technique is an integrated physical training (FPI) program, which is adjusted under any kind of sport.

The nature of the interaction between elements of biological systems (develops gym) makes it possible to transfer the energy of the degrees of freedom, and the whole biomechanics is consistent. It acquires all the properties of coherence, are absent in the constituent elements of a system of movements. Therefore kostnomehanicheskoy system of rights that constitute the active medium with distributed energy reserves, there avtovolnybiomehanicheskih goals. Parameters of coherence and order in waves, the plastic is determined by the elasticity of muscle movements, the center of gravity, environment. Thus, the biomechanics of movement becomes a wave.

Teaching methods based on the 25-year experience of the authors and can freely form programs and undergraduate studies in such a way that involved receive maximum benefits from training. Training is carried out on special trainers that are protected by the Eurasian patent and a patent for a method of forming muscle. There is a Eurasian patent number 005046.

Biomechanical stimulation

Biomechanical Stimulation (BMS) - a method of mechanical stimulation of muscle activity, which allows quickly and effectively to strengthen various muscles and improve joint mobility.

To stimulate the muscles used vibration, while in the muscle fibers frequently affects the load in the longitudinal direction, characteristic for normal muscle contraction. This also happens stimulation of muscle mechanoreceptors and, consequently, stimulation of the central nervous system. Because of the reduction in these muscles increases the intensity of blood flow.

BMS is made using special devices - biomechanical stimuli. Their design varies depending on the application and provides for regulation of frequency and intensity of exposure.

The results of studies reliably show that after BMS increases muscle strength, their resilience, stretch, vascularization, as well as improving the regulatory mechanisms of the central nervous system. It becomes possible to eliminate pain, edema and spasms of smooth muscles. Much more effective than traditional methods of joint mobility, improves peripheral circulation and toning muscles.

Biomechanical stimulation of the muscles before sports training reduces the possibility of injury, gives a sense of ownership of the muscles, relieves physical fatigue. In medicine, BMS successfully applied for the treatment and prevention with limited mobility, disrupting blood flow, atrophy, pain and sports injuries.

Thus, BMS is an effective tool for sports training, rehabilitation of athletes, as well as treatment and prevention of various diseases.

For trainers

We offer cooperation to coaches on favorable terms. For detailed information, please contact our contacts.

Important information

The selection of prices is made on an individual basis, the price in the price list is basic!


Sports Agency – is an ideal organizer of learning and training sports courses, health-improving programs, competitions, tournaments, sports shows. Moreover, providing assistance in creation and implementation of different sports concepts is our specialty.


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